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He is in the Room

He is in the Room

Here at Age at Home Service, our company is growing in tandem with the growing need in our community to meet the needs of our aging loved ones. With our diligence to keep them safe, we can often overreach, and even forget to include them in the conversation, even when...
The Medicare Benefit Many Miss: Home Health

The Medicare Benefit Many Miss: Home Health

Ralph recently had hip replacement surgery. His physician ordered physical therapy to support his recovery from surgery, help regain strength and increase his range of motion. The order was written by his primary care physician for outpatient therapy. This meant his...
Holistic compassion a community effort

Holistic compassion a community effort

We write for 50 Plus Magazine. Hope you find insights in this article on Holistic Compassion. Everyone is going through something. Suffering in our culture is mostly kept buttoned up behind pleasant smiles and simple greetings. Most of us were trained from childhood...