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Flexibility is the Backbone of Resilience

Flexibility is the Backbone of Resilience

One of my clients wants to plan a trip to France. The problem is she cannot remember to prepare a daily meal. Hunger reminds her. Taking medications becomes a complicated memory skill. Foreign travel takes energy, problem solving, and currency conversion to mention a...

Tips to Connect with Your Ideal Clients

Marketing your aging life care business seems like it would be easy. After all, there is an abundance of customers in this demographic needing your help. The aging population is soon to become the largest cohort in our society. You, as a professional in the senior...

Your Senior is one Fall away from Independence

While implementing adaptive devices in the home is a proactive step towards preventing falls, the most important approach to take for fall prevention is building the senior’s strength, balance, and flexibility. There is not a medication for fall prevention. What it...